Sorry for the lack of more acqurated measures, I cook that way!
Black Pasta with Shrimps
Ingredients:Half of black spaghetti package (Spaghetti al nero de seppia - Pasta di semola di grano duro al nero di seppia - that was what was written in the packaging)
1 Chicken Breast
Around 350 gr of Shrimps (those frozen and already cooked and peeled ones)
1 package of fresh mushrooms (I think canned will do it too, but I prefer always the fresh ones)
and last put not least One package of cream
You need a pan to cook the pasta. I've just added a pinch of salt to the water, boiled it, put the pasta and waited to be cooked.
For the rest I've used a deep frying pan. I've put the raw chicken breast (sliced into pieces) with the sliced mushrooms and the unfrozen shrimps. Added a tiny bit of white wine a let it all cook. (This way the water from the shrimps will help to cook the chicken and also the mushrooms will get all those flavours.).
Then when it was cooked I took the excess liquid and then when the pasta was ready I've mixed right into the frying pan (but be careful, because mine stayed really stuffed, and with little room to mix it all).
And after, add the cream and let it boil.
And Voilá, it's done and ready to serve.
Black Pasta with Shrimps and Garlic Mayonnaise
Ok, this weeks versions, I don't have photos (I forgot, it was for dinner and well I was really hungry) my fathers version it's even more simple than mine. So he cooked in pan the pasta (same way all pastas are) and in a smaller pan he cooked the shrimps alone. We mixed it all in the plate and for more flavour he made a Garlic Mayonnaise. And it was amazing as well.Wannabe GARDEN
Last, but not the least, I wanted to talk about my little tiny wannabe garden. It's a herbs garden, and so far I have rosemary, oregano and chives. The first two are very easy to keep, the chives are a little harder because they need loads and loads of water (at least mine does). Oh and my oregano seams that is losing all the soil, it has like half of the soil that the others small vases have. I really need to check more about my little plants. Do you have some kind of these gardens? Do you know how to take care of these plants? Write me something if you do.
This reminded my a music from Depeche Mode, My Secret Garden (So I leave you with some live footage of the music, sorry of the lack of the quality, it was the version of the music, performed by the artists that I've founded, and yes it's like and extended version of the music, it's a live show, it's kind of normal, oh, and forget the subtitles, they are in German)
Hope you're having a nice Saturday/Weekend.
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