
Inspiration for the WeekEnd | 24/25

This week I tried a different thing, I tried to build the Inspiration along the week. Shall we start?

7A | Birth of a Book

A short vignette of a book being created using traditional printing methods.
For the Daily Telegraph. Shot at Smith-Settle Printers, Leeds, England. The book being printed is called 'Slightly Foxed'.
Shot, Directed & Edited by Glen Milner

The Gilded Century

A tumbleblog with Wartime America via its magazines. A blog full of amazing vintage photographs and illustrations.

Fantastic Adventures, March, 1943

Weird Tales, September, 1940
Thrilling Wonder Stories, April, 1947

Nerd Ink | Interview Yara Kono by CriaCria

[portuguese only]

ilustração originalmente publicada no livro “A manta” (Planeta Tangerina, 2010)

«Desenho por ser algo que gosto de fazer, por ser uma maneira de transmitir, de certa forma, o que vejo, o que sinto, o que penso… Às vezes ele (o desenho) surge de repente, no papel-toalha enquanto o prato não chega ou numa reunião infindável. Também funciona como válvula de escape (os momentos de fúria também são “desenháveis”) ou para explicar melhor algo que não consigo traduzir com palavras. Mas está ali, sempre. Faz parte do meu dia a dia.»
More about Yara and her blog.

Exposição Susana Carvalhinhos na Casa Ruim

[portuguese only]

Mais sobre a exposição no blog da Casa Ruim. | Evento no Facebook
Querem um espreitar o trabalho da ilustradora Susana Carvalhinhos visitem-na ou no blog Tinta Versus Papel a na sua página do Facebook

I wish you a nice weekend! Hope you liked this new format of Inspiration for the weekend.
And I also mine it's not as bad I think I might be. (if you read my Bites and Bits of my WeekEnd | 17/18, you might remember that my grandma wasn't feeling very well. She's in medical urgencies since yesterday and there is a chance of she coming home still today or even tomorrow. She as an infection and she probably anaemic as well, the next hours will be tell us what will happen. I only hope that she is better that I imagine. update My father just came from the hospital, they still don't know were is the infection that my grandma has, and their are running some tests. More details around midnight.). 
See you soon.

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