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Chuva (como está hoje), Chapéu de Chuva, livros antigos... |
pensamento sobre as mulheres
"Só quando os homens chegam a uma certa idade é que podem dizer com certeza que as mulheres são melhores do que eles em tudo - mesmo na bola, a carregar pianos, a lutar com jacarés ou nas outras coisas em que ganhávamos quando éramos mais novos e brutos e fortes.
Quando se é adolescente, desconfia-se que elas são melhores.
Nos vintes, fica-se com a certeza.
Nos trintas, aprende-se a disfarçar.
Nos quarentas, ganha-se juízo e desiste-se.
Nos cinquentas, começa-se a dar graças a Deus que seja assim.
Os homens que discordam são os que não foram capazes de aprender com as mulheres (por exemplo, a serem homenzinhos), por medo ou vaidade ou estupidez.
Geralmente as três coisas.
Desde pequenino, habituei-me que havia sempre pelo menos uma mulher melhor do que eu. Começou logo com a minha linda e maravilhosa mãe, cuja superioridade - que condescendia, por amor, em esconder de vez em quando - tem vindo a revelar-se cada vez mais. As mulheres são melhores e estão fartas de sabê-lo.
Mas, como os gatos, sabem que ganham em esconder a superioridade.
Os desgraçados dos cães, tal como os homens, são tão inseguros e sedentos de aprovação que se deixam treinar.
Resultado: fartam-se de trabalhar e de fazer figuras tristes, nas casas e nas caças e nos circos.
Os gatos, sendo muito mais inteligentes, acrobatas e jeitosos, sabem muito bem que o exibicionismo vai levar à escravatura vil.
Isto não é conversa de engate. É até um tira-tesões. Mas é a verdade. E é bonita."
- Miguel Esteves Cardoso
via Galeria Portuguesa
Inspiration for the WeekEnd | 24/25
This week I tried a different thing, I tried to build the Inspiration along the week. Shall we start?
A short vignette of a book being created using traditional printing methods.
For the Daily Telegraph. Shot at Smith-Settle Printers, Leeds, England. The book being printed is called 'Slightly Foxed'.
Shot, Directed & Edited by Glen Milner
A tumbleblog with Wartime America via its magazines. A blog full of amazing vintage photographs and illustrations.
[portuguese only]
Mais sobre a exposição no blog da Casa Ruim. | Evento no Facebook
Querem um espreitar o trabalho da ilustradora Susana Carvalhinhos visitem-na ou no blog Tinta Versus Papel a na sua página do Facebook
I wish you a nice weekend! Hope you liked this new format of Inspiration for the weekend.
And I also mine it's not as bad I think I might be. (if you read my Bites and Bits of my WeekEnd | 17/18, you might remember that my grandma wasn't feeling very well. She's in medical urgencies since yesterdayand there is a chance of she coming home still today or even tomorrow. She as an infection and she probably anaemic as well, the next hours will be tell us what will happen. I only hope that she is better that I imagine. update My father just came from the hospital, they still don't know were is the infection that my grandma has, and their are running some tests. More details around midnight.).
See you soon.
7A | Birth of a Book
A short vignette of a book being created using traditional printing methods.
For the Daily Telegraph. Shot at Smith-Settle Printers, Leeds, England. The book being printed is called 'Slightly Foxed'.
Shot, Directed & Edited by Glen Milner
The Gilded Century
A tumbleblog with Wartime America via its magazines. A blog full of amazing vintage photographs and illustrations.
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Fantastic Adventures, March, 1943 |
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Weird Tales, September, 1940 |
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Thrilling Wonder Stories, April, 1947 |
Nerd Ink | Interview Yara Kono by CriaCria
[portuguese only]
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ilustração originalmente publicada no livro “A manta” (Planeta Tangerina, 2010) |
«Desenho por ser algo que gosto de fazer, por ser uma maneira de transmitir, de certa forma, o que vejo, o que sinto, o que penso… Às vezes ele (o desenho) surge de repente, no papel-toalha enquanto o prato não chega ou numa reunião infindável. Também funciona como válvula de escape (os momentos de fúria também são “desenháveis”) ou para explicar melhor algo que não consigo traduzir com palavras. Mas está ali, sempre. Faz parte do meu dia a dia.»More about Yara and her blog.
Exposição Susana Carvalhinhos na Casa Ruim
[portuguese only]Mais sobre a exposição no blog da Casa Ruim. | Evento no Facebook
Querem um espreitar o trabalho da ilustradora Susana Carvalhinhos visitem-na ou no blog Tinta Versus Papel a na sua página do Facebook
I wish you a nice weekend! Hope you liked this new format of Inspiration for the weekend.
And I also mine it's not as bad I think I might be. (if you read my Bites and Bits of my WeekEnd | 17/18, you might remember that my grandma wasn't feeling very well. She's in medical urgencies since yesterday
See you soon.
Bites and Bits of My Weekend | 17/18
Weekend is long gone, and it was a quite stressful one, where I didn't did not even half of what I had programmed. Besides, among a couple things that could go wrong, eventually did it.
Saturday started with a walk by the river, juts a couple of km, some photos and bring home some souvenirs (branches for decoration purposes). In the afternoon I've entertain myself by clear and arranging my room and workspace.
Sunday was a total NO day! We got up earlier than usual, so we could go to Lisbon to see a Museum, that I wanted to see. Yeah, we got there and it was closed, because they were assembling a new exposition. There were not any kind of info anywhere, I was so pissed off! That I didn't enjoy anything else, or even took photos.
We came back, and went to my grandma's house for lunch, but she was not feeling well. She felt dizzy, didn't want to eat anything, she almost faint and also throw up. We stay all very worried. She eventually start to felt better and we went home. She is not very old (she is in her seventies) but she has not been very well lately. She is waiting to be called for surgery in her reproduction organs. It's taking a while of time, she has pains, and she is also losing some blood and so. She was feel very well yesterday either, so she went to her doctor and did some blood tests. She went back there today, they are taking so long to call her for surgery, that now she as an infection. When my father told me about that I stayed pissed off again. In my idea some of the fault are from her doctors for not giving anything against infections before.
Sorry for the rant, I needed to write it somewhere.
On other hand Sunday wasn't a total lost day, in the late afternoon and evening, I manage to work a little bit for my Illustration classes. We are working in a illustration of a situation that could be in this book "A Day in the Life of an Umbrella" (that I mention in more deep in my Inspiration for the WeekEnd | 10/11).
I hope that I soon post a couple of some late works that I've been doing for some classes and workshops, keep an eye for it. (They will be in my other blog Scribbling Drafts, so if you're interested keep an eye for it there).
Yesterday I didn't want to get up, or go out of home. But I did it, I had my Illustration classes, and everything went smooth and normal, so by the end of the day I was feeling better.
I finished reading the book of the last week, which was The Godfather by Mario Puzo. I enjoy it a lot.
I was thinking that this week book could be Kafka Metamorphosis, but it is so small that in one hour I've read it. I will re read it, because it's going to be part of our next illustration exercise, but I will probably choose another book to be also the book of the week.
Have a nice week!
Saturday started with a walk by the river, juts a couple of km, some photos and bring home some souvenirs (branches for decoration purposes). In the afternoon I've entertain myself by clear and arranging my room and workspace.
Sunday was a total NO day! We got up earlier than usual, so we could go to Lisbon to see a Museum, that I wanted to see. Yeah, we got there and it was closed, because they were assembling a new exposition. There were not any kind of info anywhere, I was so pissed off! That I didn't enjoy anything else, or even took photos.
We came back, and went to my grandma's house for lunch, but she was not feeling well. She felt dizzy, didn't want to eat anything, she almost faint and also throw up. We stay all very worried. She eventually start to felt better and we went home. She is not very old (she is in her seventies) but she has not been very well lately. She is waiting to be called for surgery in her reproduction organs. It's taking a while of time, she has pains, and she is also losing some blood and so. She was feel very well yesterday either, so she went to her doctor and did some blood tests. She went back there today, they are taking so long to call her for surgery, that now she as an infection. When my father told me about that I stayed pissed off again. In my idea some of the fault are from her doctors for not giving anything against infections before.
Sorry for the rant, I needed to write it somewhere.
On other hand Sunday wasn't a total lost day, in the late afternoon and evening, I manage to work a little bit for my Illustration classes. We are working in a illustration of a situation that could be in this book "A Day in the Life of an Umbrella" (that I mention in more deep in my Inspiration for the WeekEnd | 10/11).
I hope that I soon post a couple of some late works that I've been doing for some classes and workshops, keep an eye for it. (They will be in my other blog Scribbling Drafts, so if you're interested keep an eye for it there).
Yesterday I didn't want to get up, or go out of home. But I did it, I had my Illustration classes, and everything went smooth and normal, so by the end of the day I was feeling better.
I finished reading the book of the last week, which was The Godfather by Mario Puzo. I enjoy it a lot.
I was thinking that this week book could be Kafka Metamorphosis, but it is so small that in one hour I've read it. I will re read it, because it's going to be part of our next illustration exercise, but I will probably choose another book to be also the book of the week.
Have a nice week!
Inspiration for the weekEnd | 17/18
Quando fecho os olhos, vejo coisas estranhas...
... quando os abro, o estranho sou eu.
Má Raça, um livro de João Paulo Cotrim e Alex Gozblau com posfácio de Adolfo Luxúria Canibal, Abysmo 2012
My book of the week is The Godfather of Mario Puzo, and I also plan to watch the films when I finished the book.
Have a nice weekend!
Fight Like a Brave!
Fight like a brave
Don't be a slave
No one can tell you
You've got to be afraid
My first cd of Red Hot Chilli Peppers, It was probably gifted to me around end of 90's.
Still love it nowadays.
Pensamentos Cruzados | Amor Combate
" Um dia, foi ver a mulher e disse-lhe que queria voltar a casar-se.
Marie-Claude abanou a cabeça.
«Mas se nos divorciarmos, fica tudo na mesma. Não te tiro nada. Deixo-te tudo!
- Para mim, o dinheiro não conta, disse ela.
- Então o que é que conta?
- O amor.
- O amor?», perguntou Franz, admirado.
Marie-Claude sorria: «O amor é um combate. Hei-de lutar o tempo que for preciso. Até ao fim.
- O amor é um combate? Não tenho a mínima vontade de lutar», disse Franz, e saiu."
- Milan Kundera, A Insustentável Leveza do Ser
Linda Martini | Faixa: Amor Combate do Álbum Olhos de Mongol
Bites and Bits of My Weekend | 10/11
The weekend came, and now it's almost gone, and a new week begins.
On Saturday I woke kind of early (way earlier than usual) and went to Lisbon to see a friend, that I don't see for some months.
Loads of good talk and some ramblings under a sunny day.
I was back home quite early, and it would be even earlier if the bus hadn't hit something on highway. I couldn't figure out exactly what happened. We waited half hour for another bus to come, and some minutes after I was at home.
After that I decided to go to Casa Ruim to a book signing with the illustrator Sara Osório.
The authors talk about the book:
Oh I also brought home "Um dia Um guarda chuva" that I've mention in my last post Inspiration for the WeekEnd | 10/11
After that went to Santa Cruz to relax a bit and enjoy the sunset.
Sunday was a regular day, lunch with my grandma and hang out at home in very lazy way.
Hope you have a great week!
On Saturday I woke kind of early (way earlier than usual) and went to Lisbon to see a friend, that I don't see for some months.
Loads of good talk and some ramblings under a sunny day.
I was back home quite early, and it would be even earlier if the bus hadn't hit something on highway. I couldn't figure out exactly what happened. We waited half hour for another bus to come, and some minutes after I was at home.
After that I decided to go to Casa Ruim to a book signing with the illustrator Sara Osório.
Oh I also brought home "Um dia Um guarda chuva" that I've mention in my last post Inspiration for the WeekEnd | 10/11
After that went to Santa Cruz to relax a bit and enjoy the sunset.
Sunday was a regular day, lunch with my grandma and hang out at home in very lazy way.
Hope you have a great week!
Inspiration for the WeekEnd | 10/11
Gosh, it's weekend time again. This week flew away.
Between classes, project and some shopping and the end of the week is here again.
In the beginning of the week I decided to challenge myself, the challenge is read a book for each week. Last week the book that I've read was "Men Who Hate Women" by Stieg Larson (also known as the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"), of whom I hope write something about soon. Oh did I mention shopping? I've bought the last book of Millennium Trilogy, but I will be saving the two other books for later, because they are very addicting, and I have other books on hold for longer time.
This week book is a classic, "1984" of George Orwell. I started the book last year, but never ended reading it. Maybe because I have a feeling that it won't be a very fairytale and happy ending. But I've re-started it again, and hopefully I will read it all by the end of this week.
I'm also considering watch the film, which it's quite easy to watch online via google, or via BBC TV.
The film was release in 1984, and it's a UK production. (more info in IMDb - 1984)
The main character is the actor John Hurt (playing the character Winston). So far, from the pictures I saw from the film, I quite like the photography, and usually UK film/series production don't disappoint me.
Continuing with a kind of book theme it's "A Day in the Life of an Umbrella". Original edition of Planeta Tangerina with text of Davide Cali and illustrations of Valerio Vidali. (blog)
I don't have the book, yet, but it's on my whishlist!
It all starts with: One day, somebody left an umbrella on the bus. A passenger used it to fend off a pickpocket and this was the prelude to all sorts of adventures. At the end of the day, and after many twists and turns, the umbrella ended up where you would least expect it.
And that's it for today, hope you have a nice weekend!
Between classes, project and some shopping and the end of the week is here again.
In the beginning of the week I decided to challenge myself, the challenge is read a book for each week. Last week the book that I've read was "Men Who Hate Women" by Stieg Larson (also known as the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"), of whom I hope write something about soon. Oh did I mention shopping? I've bought the last book of Millennium Trilogy, but I will be saving the two other books for later, because they are very addicting, and I have other books on hold for longer time.
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From the book: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength |
This week book is a classic, "1984" of George Orwell. I started the book last year, but never ended reading it. Maybe because I have a feeling that it won't be a very fairytale and happy ending. But I've re-started it again, and hopefully I will read it all by the end of this week.
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George Orwell broadcast to India for the BBC during World War II via GeorgeOrwellNovels.com |
I'm also considering watch the film, which it's quite easy to watch online via google, or via BBC TV.
The film was release in 1984, and it's a UK production. (more info in IMDb - 1984)
The main character is the actor John Hurt (playing the character Winston). So far, from the pictures I saw from the film, I quite like the photography, and usually UK film/series production don't disappoint me.
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Winston Smith (actor John Hurt) |
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Winston and Julia (John Hurt and Suzanna Hamilton) |
I don't have the book, yet, but it's on my whishlist!
It all starts with: One day, somebody left an umbrella on the bus. A passenger used it to fend off a pickpocket and this was the prelude to all sorts of adventures. At the end of the day, and after many twists and turns, the umbrella ended up where you would least expect it.
Cover of the book | via Planeta Tangerina blog |
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via Valerio Vidali blog |
Bites and Bits of my Weekend | 3/4
February went gone really quick and this weekend flew away so fast!
On 1st of march I went for a well deserved coffee with my dear friend Sancha, there's nothing like share some friend gossip and giggles. I ended by spoil myself a little bit in a quick visit to H&M. (what's best for a rainy afternoon that some hot drink, friends and shopping to relax and clear ideas?). That's was the good part of the day, the bad part was that when I arrive home I my throat and my head were aching.
On Friday was better, but not feeling 100% right, so I stayed at home all day, hoping to be all good the next day. Yeah right, on Saturday, when woke up my throat was aching a lot, even more than on Thursday. I took some pills and dress cosy and warm to went out.
We went to your routine Saturday coffee by the seaside. I was not feeling very well, so after the coffee I just stayed in the car, instead of taking some photos to the foggy morning.
I ended to start to read one of the last books that I bought "Men Who Hate Women" by Stieg Larson (of which I will spoke better in another post).
After lunch I was feeling better, so went for a walk in the town. Ended up in one of my favourite shops Casa Ruim (Facebook and Website). Where I bought a couple of presents, some postcards from Crazy Cat&Dog People Collective Exhibition (you can learn more about the project in their facebook page) and a really cool notebook by Azul Caramelo (which sells products made in Portugal by Portuguese illustrators, and you can check more about them in their facebook and website). In case your wondering, I've choose the A5 notebook illustrated by Marta Monteiro (Blog and Portfolio) under the subject of the city: Coimbra.
Here's some video made by Casa Ruim with the Exhibition I mentioned above!
On Sunday, although I didn't slept much, because I was so hooked with the book, I woke up feeling way much better. After lunch went to the center of the city to take some pictures. It was procession, but I ended up just taking some photos to buildings and details.
and my favourite from that day...
We ended up skip the procession because we all had work to do. I confess that I didn't advance very much in my work, although I totally arrange and tide up my room. Clean my work space and end reading the book. And that was it my weekend.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend and a terrific beginning of week, see you soon!!
On 1st of march I went for a well deserved coffee with my dear friend Sancha, there's nothing like share some friend gossip and giggles. I ended by spoil myself a little bit in a quick visit to H&M. (what's best for a rainy afternoon that some hot drink, friends and shopping to relax and clear ideas?). That's was the good part of the day, the bad part was that when I arrive home I my throat and my head were aching.
On Friday was better, but not feeling 100% right, so I stayed at home all day, hoping to be all good the next day. Yeah right, on Saturday, when woke up my throat was aching a lot, even more than on Thursday. I took some pills and dress cosy and warm to went out.
We went to your routine Saturday coffee by the seaside. I was not feeling very well, so after the coffee I just stayed in the car, instead of taking some photos to the foggy morning.
I ended to start to read one of the last books that I bought "Men Who Hate Women" by Stieg Larson (of which I will spoke better in another post).
After lunch I was feeling better, so went for a walk in the town. Ended up in one of my favourite shops Casa Ruim (Facebook and Website). Where I bought a couple of presents, some postcards from Crazy Cat&Dog People Collective Exhibition (you can learn more about the project in their facebook page) and a really cool notebook by Azul Caramelo (which sells products made in Portugal by Portuguese illustrators, and you can check more about them in their facebook and website). In case your wondering, I've choose the A5 notebook illustrated by Marta Monteiro (Blog and Portfolio) under the subject of the city: Coimbra.
Here's some video made by Casa Ruim with the Exhibition I mentioned above!
On Sunday, although I didn't slept much, because I was so hooked with the book, I woke up feeling way much better. After lunch went to the center of the city to take some pictures. It was procession, but I ended up just taking some photos to buildings and details.
and my favourite from that day...
We ended up skip the procession because we all had work to do. I confess that I didn't advance very much in my work, although I totally arrange and tide up my room. Clean my work space and end reading the book. And that was it my weekend.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend and a terrific beginning of week, see you soon!!
Inspiration for the WeekEnd | 3/4
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By {Twiggs} | {stories from lisbon} :: kaffeehaus from the a place for twiggs |
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By {Twiggs} | a place for twiggs |
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Barely Standing By Joana C. | The Paper and Ink |
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Barely Standing By Joana C. | The Paper and Ink |
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