
Óbidos | Street Lamps II

Óbidos | 08.February

Óbidos is such a magical village.
Most of it still inside old middle age walls. Visiting it makes you thing you are in another era...
It can be a very tourist oriented place, but at the same time, you can go there and enjoy a quite moment. You can climb the walls, and the castle and imagine how life and things were many centuries ago.
This post is a second part of photography collection of Óbidos Street Lamps.

Óbidos | 08.February

Óbidos | 08.February

{ in the Óbidos series:
- Óbidos Street Lamps I
Óbidos Street Lamps II
The Streets of Óbidos }

Óbidos | Street Lamps I

Óbidos | 08.February

There's something magical about old looking street lamps, either when they're on, or just when against some contrasting background, like the blue sky, or a white wall.
On them we can see rust passages of time and intricate lines.
At night when they're on we can marvellous our self  with the game of light and shadows they produce.

Óbidos | 08.February
Óbidos | 08.February
Keep and eye for the second part of this photo collection.

{ in the Óbidos series:
- Óbidos Street Lamps I
- Óbidos Street Lamps II
The Streets of Óbidos }

Torres Vedras | Carnival'13 - Reciclagem

Ecoponto Verde | Carnaval Torres Vedras - 2013
 This year the theme of the Carnival was Recycling. Thought it might sound a hard theme to came up with a mask there were some nice and creative ones.
I've only seen one of the parades, although I've been in all of them (except the sunday one), which was the Friday one, were all kids from the city and surroundings mask them self.

I was quite busy, that's it took me so long to post theses photos, and also why (sadly) I don't have more.

Ecopontos Amarelo | Carnaval Torres Vedras - 2013

Birds | Carnaval Torres Vedras - 2013

Sad Clown?! | Carnaval Torres Vedras - 2013
and my favourite photograph | Divers | Carnaval Torres Vedras - 2013

Bites & Bits | Life (short) Update

Óbidos | 08.Feb
It as been a long time since the last update.
So much as happen since then. This is the problem of keeping a blog... or pretty much anything in my life. I started, I have good and nice intentions to keep doing it, but something come up, and I leave it for tomorrow, and then for another day... and another... when I have notion weeks might have passed... or even months.
Last update was in the beginning of the month, I was supper excited with Briana's visit, and meeting her friends Sabrina and Karlijn.
They came for the Carnival, and it was great! As I knew they were food lovers (just like me) I've manage to arrange as much of traditional dishes for them to try. Things like shrimp rice and rabbit rice, portuguese cheese and wine, cod, corn bread, green broth, sponge cake... and couple of more things. I hope they've enjoyed as much I did.
Although the good company, the weather was not the nicest thing ever. For the couple first days they stayed with me, it was ok, cold and windy (as usually at this time of the year) but with sun peaking though the clouds. The last day was rainy and cloudy, just like a really winter day.
I didn't photograph much on these days, I focus more on having a good time, and of course... eating.

Sabrina, Briana and Karlijn | Óbidos | 08.Feb
I was hoping that I could enjoy the rest of the carnival, but the weather didn't agreed with me. Monday night was rainy, and though I was with a crazy (fluorescent pink) wig and weather protect, my friends weren't. We have to choose, end the carnival or celebrate it indoors. We did the second one. As we did on Tuesday.
After that I considered myself on holidays (like I have done very much!) and stay at home in my pyjamas for whole day! As I've been obsessed with The Lord of the Rings, with the OST of the movies, I read the books. By that time I've finished the first one, and started the second. (It's a slow progress, because I want to enjoy it as much as I can).

Eternal number 8 | Óbidos | 08.Feb
I've been considering and over thinking the purchase of a tablet. It's easy to transport and take anywhere, I could read the thousands of pdf's books that I own, yadyada... blablabla.
The big problem as always been the price, and if I really want to use that money for that.
Finally I've manage to decide in purchasing one. It's not top market, or super duper anything. But it works and even have a quirky name/brand/model - it's a Dino.
So now I have my own personal dinosaur!!! How could I resist, right? And all that without having to break my piggy bank. Superb!

Óbidos | 08.Feb
This past week (18th to 24th Feb) as been a mixed feelings one. A lot of work and dreams were on the table. But things move so slow! that it can get a bit frustrating. I've basically focus on this one thing that I really want to work, but at the same time I felt that I wasn't going very further, which lead to feel unproductive and trap too. Pulling me to try (one more time) to do more than one thing at once.  Try to balance a bunch of my dreams and projects in one plate, and at the same time try to feel productive and happy at the same time.
For the next week I've challenged myself to do things differently, I will be working to keep myself on track. (but - as usually - I don't have much faith in me and in self imposed things).
Until the next time ;)

Axis of Zoom | After the rain - Trifolium 02.02Tre

Trifolium » Três folhas, Trevo
Planta extremamente resistente que dispensa de (grandes) cuidados...

Trevo | Dia 02.02

Trevo | Dia 02.02

Axis of zoom | Yellow 02.02

Santa Cruz | Dia 02.02

Pequena flor amarela (porque continuo a ter uma prediletação por elas) | Dia 02.02

Bites and Bits of My Week | 28.01 to 03.02

Já não venho a este meu espaço à algum tempo. Andei a mudar o meu espaço de trabalho e com a mudança da rotina, houve coisas que ficaram para trás. O que até um bocado parvo, porque todos os dias leio blogues e passo um tempo (para lá do) considerável na internet. (vou fazer para mudar isto...)

Santa Cruz | Dia 02.02

Por norma não faço resoluções de ano novo. Faço resoluções quando acho que as devo fazer, por vezes cumpro-as logo, outras vou adiando ou arrastando (tais como fazer dieta e exercício... é sempre para o outro dia, semana, mês, nunca). Outras passam para as listas de um dia queria (mas o mais provável é não acontecer). A meados do mês de Novembro decidi ler mais. Ler mais livros relacionados com Design, Arte e Negócios. Não posso dizer que tenha lido bastante, mas tenho lido e visto algumas coisas.

Design is a Job, by Mike Monteiro | A Book Apart

Esta semana comecei a ler Design is a Job do Mike Monteiro, editado pela A Book Apart. So far so good. É interessante abordagem direta e sem papas na língua que ele faz.
Através do livro descobri a empresa dele - Mule Design Studio, e uma Talk que ele realizou para as Creative Mornings de São Francisco intitulada de F*ck You, Pay Me, em que se fala (essencialmente) sobre a importância de ter um contrato e como os designers se podem proteger através do mesmo.

Day 334 - Fake Leaves | Lisa Congdon - A Collection a Day 2010

Ainda das Creative Mornings de São Francisco, vi a talk da ilustradora Lisa Congdon. Small Things Organized Neatly em que ela fala do projeto dela A Collection a Day 2010 e sobre a tendência de fotografar objetos organizados, mostrando fotografias de outras pessoas também.

Li um breve tutorial muito interessante sobre Character Design. Um tema que espero pesquisar e refletir mais sobre. É essencial para a ilustração e banda desenhada.

Google Reader | O santo salvador para quem segue blogs a mais.
Tirei uma tarde para organizar links perdidos no computador e (re)encontrar páginas e blogues de designers e ilustradores que tinha guardado para mais tarde ver.

o meu Pinterest

Tenho passado algum tempo no Pinterest. É um sítio perfeito para quem gosta de ver e pesquisar imagens e ao mesmo tempo organizá-las segundo os temas que quiser. Sem se dar conta já passaram horas.

Ouvi bastante musica, mas em especial bandas sonoras de filmes: a triologia the Lord of the Rings e tetralogia Underworld.

E porque esta semana começou Fevereiro e o Carnaval está aí à porta, decidi que me ia mascarar. Tenho andado de volta do conceito da minha máscara de carnaval. Como o tema do Carnaval de Torres é a Reciclagem decidi ir de mãe natureza. Podem encontrar um esboço do que estou a pensar fazer Sketchbook'13 | Primeiros desenhos do ano.

Santa Cruz | Dia 02.02

No meio disto tudo ainda consegui dar um saltinho à praia e dar gosto ao dedo, tirando umas fotografias. No meio de aguaceiros, seguidos por céu azul, alguma nortada e friozinho, descobri espuma esvoaçante e diverti-me a filmá-la e fotografá-la.

Espuma do mar | Santa Cruz | Dia 02.02
À noite (por norma) vejo séries ou filmes, ou então desanuviou a cabeça com conversas com amigos e intermináveis leituras de blogs... às vezes faço tudo na mesma noite e por vezes até ao mesmo tempo (viva o multitasking). Ontem foi dia de ver Criminal Minds, enquanto o fazia, fui rabiscando uns desenhos.

Vou-me por a acabar a máscara de carnaval.
Até para a semana.(espero)